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Voices for Biodiversity: An Interview with Wildlife Biologist Joan E. Berish

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Joan E. Berish is a wildlife biologist and gopher tortoise expert who has made significant contributions to wildlife conservation in the state of Florida over the course of her remarkable career.

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Santa Fe Critter Cam Gallery
Santa Fe Critter Cam Gallery

by Debra Denker

Great critter cam photos are a matter of luck rather than photographic skill — although a little bit of editing magic can turn a mediocre photo into a great one.

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Critter Cam in the High Chaparral
Critter Cam in the High Chaparral

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The Passing of Courage: An Homage to E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy
The Passing of Courage: An Homage to E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy

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What was inevitable came far too quickly, when for Wilson and Lovejoy, their time on earth ceased, as their days collapsed, falling silently on the snowcapped peaks made tall by their own achievements.

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An excerpt from the cli-fi novel Weather Menders
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Seeking Solace on Horseback: Riding Keeps Me Sane During Pandemic
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The Durrell Effect: How Animals Define Humanity
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Protecting the Arctic Refuge: Gwich’in People Defend the Sacred
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Restoring Habitat in Indonesian Borneo
Restoring Habitat in Indonesian Borneo

by Farquhar Stirling

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Terralingua and Biocultural Diversity
Terralingua and Biocultural Diversity

by Nejma Belarbi

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La Cocina de Bosnia: cultivo y crecimiento
La Cocina de Bosnia: cultivo y crecimiento

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Biodiversity Awareness: A Story of Hope
Biodiversity Awareness: A Story of Hope

by Godelive Ayinkamiye

I am a young Rwandan woman, born and raised in southern Rwanda. As children, my friends and I enjoyed killing bees, birds, butterflies and other small animals. We cut branches off trees and muddied fresh…

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