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An excerpt from the cli-fi novel Weather Menders
An excerpt from the cli-fi novel Weather Menders

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I conceived Weather Menders during a very hot summer visit to the UK in 2013. I had been looking forward to escaping the heat that in recent years has become characteristic of Santa Fe summers by going…

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Fighting for Survival: Lifting Up Indigenous Voices
Fighting for Survival: Lifting Up Indigenous Voices

by Sarah Abdelrahim

Indigenous peoples play a crucial role in protecting and advocating for global biodiversity. According to the United Nations, there are 370 million Indigenous peoples around the world — almost 5 percent…

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Touched by an Elephant, Part 3
Touched by an Elephant, Part 3

by Jonathan Whittle-Utter

Returning to the question at hand—why a massage therapist would be interested in researching human-elephant communication? The answer relates to the primacy of touch. Touch is the primal arena of connection…

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Touched by an Elephant, Part 2
Touched by an Elephant, Part 2

by Jonathan Whittle-Utter

The sanctuary rests in an open jungle valley in the remote Mondulkiri province of Northeast Cambodia. Like the rest of the country, Mondulkiri is undergoing rampant deforestation, a tremendous threat to…

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Touched by an Elephant, Part 1
Touched by an Elephant, Part 1

by Jonathan Whittle-Utter

About three years ago I decided pursue a PhD in somatic psychology. I'd spent the last few years establishing a healthy massage therapy practice in Los Angeles, and although the bodywork was rewarding…

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Displacement  of Local Peoples
Displacement of Local Peoples

by Alex Perry

For thousands of years, people have depended on their natural surroundings for their livelihoods. Sustaining the environment and minimizing their impact on it remain necessities for survival. It is these…

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