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Saving Endangered Species: Behind the Scenes at CITES CoP18

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Every three years, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Conference of the Parties (CITES CoP) meets to deliberate the best tactics to adopt for saving species…

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Giraffes Await the World's Protection
Giraffes Await the World's Protection

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The CITES Meeting: A Closer Look
The CITES Meeting: A Closer Look

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My amazing trip all began when the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) announced a global search for 34 international conservationists aged 18 to 25 to attend the first-ever Youth Forum for People…

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Illegal Trade Reveals Unknown Orchids
Illegal Trade Reveals Unknown Orchids

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Gorilla Tourism: Mountain Gorillas Up Close
Gorilla Tourism: Mountain Gorillas Up Close

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The mountain gorilla is classified as critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. There are only two places to see the world’s remaining…

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Saving the African Elephants
Saving the African Elephants

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2011 marked the worst year for elephant poaching and illegal ivory trading since the height of the trade in the 1980s, according to the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). Following this…

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