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Biodiversity Awareness: A Story of Hope
Biodiversity Awareness: A Story of Hope

by Godelive Ayinkamiye

I am a young Rwandan woman, born and raised in southern Rwanda. As children, my friends and I enjoyed killing bees, birds, butterflies and other small animals. We cut branches off trees and muddied fresh…

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- Apr 25, 2018
Learning about Conservation in Rwanda
Learning about Conservation in Rwanda

by Niyonkuru (Chris) Benjamin

Rwanda is known as the country of a thousand hills, and many of those hills are found in designated protected areas or parks. Among the forests, each area has unique animals, including mountain gorillas,…

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- Feb 14, 2018
Biodiversity Questions in School Gardens
Biodiversity Questions in School Gardens

by Erika Hansen

Find a bug (and draw it). Find plants that are ingredients in pizza sauce; in toothpaste; in salsa. Find two living and two nonliving things.

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- Jul 31, 2017
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

Established in 1999, the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GB NERR) now stretches across 18,000 acres. In addition to the estuary’s salt marshes, the reserve also covers rare pine savannas,…

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Peru’s Chaparrí Conservation Area:  A Wildlife Reserve in the Tumbesian Dry Forests
Peru’s Chaparrí Conservation Area: A Wildlife Reserve in the Tumbesian Dry Forests

by Maddie Southard

Named for the mountain that dominates the landscape, the Chaparrí Conservation Area is located about 50 miles east of the Pacific coast in northern Peru.

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- May 04, 2017
Living the Science: Place-Based Education as a Model for Scientific Learning
Living the Science: Place-Based Education as a Model for Scientific Learning

by Jacqueline Gerson

“Dip your hand in the water!” I yelled over the crash of whitewater, and then a few seconds later, “Now try it again!”

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- Apr 20, 2017
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

I disembarked at Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (mercifully abbreviated to GTM NERR) with a group of practitioners, researchers and ecologists from around the world. The group…

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Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

Made up of over 6,000 acres along the coast of Alabama, the Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research is one of 28 sites around the country that are “protected for long-term research, water-quality monitoring,…

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Navigating Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Kalahari Desert
Navigating Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Kalahari Desert

by Jaime Gordon

In 1975, Hitchcock was one of several graduate students who traveled to the Kalahari Desert region of Botswana to undertake interdisciplinary anthropological research. When the group arrived in the northeastern…

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Forecasting a Future for Cheetahs
Forecasting a Future for Cheetahs

by Sarah Abdelrahim

Ecoreporter Sarah Abdelrahim interviews Dr. Laurie Marker of the nonprofit, A Future for Cheetahs, to gain insight on the global cheetah population, the key drivers in their decline, and recent successes…

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Audubon’s Nebraska Crane Festival
Audubon’s Nebraska Crane Festival

by Emily Baumbach

During four to six weeks from the beginning of March and into mid-April, nearly half a million Sandhill Cranes, roughly 80% of the world population, arrive in south-central Nebraska.

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- Jan 26, 2015
Films for Kids: Wild and Scenic Film Festival
Films for Kids: Wild and Scenic Film Festival

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

Formed in 1993 in Eugene, Oregon, the Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) states its mission as using “the power of the law to defend and protect the American West’s treasured landscapes, iconic wildlife…

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- Sep 16, 2013