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Elephant Depression
Elephant Depression

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

"Depression is biological," The experts say. "Feel good! Take Prozac,

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- Oct 03, 2021
Fieldwork in Namibia
Fieldwork in Namibia

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

In old Africa: Dust stirred by bare feet and lions’ paws . . . Gone now.

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- Sep 20, 2021
Taos Environmental Film Festival
Taos Environmental Film Festival

by Jean Stevens

“Seeking Harmony and Happiness in an Unsettled World” is the theme of the fourth edition of the Taos Environmental Film Festival, which will take place between April 18 and April 22 this year.

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- Apr 18, 2018
The Mighty Giraffe
The Mighty Giraffe

by Lysander Christo

Silent steps of evolution, highest height of all the world. Of all the world a graceful trot, so fast, yet so slow through the savannah, where the elephants trumpet and blow.

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- Nov 29, 2017
Meeting with an Elephant
Meeting with an Elephant

by Lysander Christo

In this unprincipled time of elephant carnage in the name of ivory, my wife, son and I have come to view elephants as being on equal footing, searching for them with a guide on conservation lands.

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- Aug 27, 2017
The Matter of Life and Death
The Matter of Life and Death

by Kathleen Brennan

As a lifelong photographer and multi-disciplinary artist, I am repeatedly drawn to the harsh beauty of the elemental transformations that occur in our everyday lives. I have photographed birth, death,…

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- Feb 10, 2016
Films for Kids: Wild and Scenic Film Festival
Films for Kids: Wild and Scenic Film Festival

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

Formed in 1993 in Eugene, Oregon, the Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) states its mission as using “the power of the law to defend and protect the American West’s treasured landscapes, iconic wildlife…

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- Sep 16, 2013
Nature is Dying
Nature is Dying

by Kimberley R. Williams

Izilwane teamed up with American University and the School of Communication's Visual Literacy class, taught by Kimberley R. Williams. After watching the film Call of Life, students determined…

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- Apr 18, 2013
Allison Argo: filmmaker, conservationist
Allison Argo: filmmaker, conservationist

by Mary Bates

Raised in a theatrical family, filmmaker Allison Argo learned early on the art of storytelling. And when she met Ivan, a 27-year-old gorilla held in a 14-by-14 foot concrete cell in a mall in Tacoma, Washington,…

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- Jan 28, 2013
Pathway Toward  Soul: The Film Journey
Pathway Toward Soul: The Film Journey

by Kathleen Lowson

This film is my most challenging and the most critical, with the potential to transform the face of fur fashion, save the lives of countless animals around the world, awaken humanity on our planet, and…

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- Nov 19, 2012
My Pantanal: The Movie
My Pantanal: The Movie

by Catherine Meyer

Join Panthera and young cowboy Aerenilso as they explore the ranches and wetlands of western Brazil, looking for the elusive jaguar. This short film addresses some of the concerns of local ranchers and…

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- Sep 10, 2012
Lysander’s Song
Lysander’s Song

by Sarah Bennett

You know that feeling, looking back on childhood memories, when you aren’t sure whether the memory is actually yours? Perhaps you extrapolated from a photo you saw or drew from stories you were told. Like…

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- Aug 06, 2012