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Elephant Depression
Elephant Depression

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

"Depression is biological," The experts say. "Feel good! Take Prozac,

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- Oct 03, 2021
Fieldwork in Namibia
Fieldwork in Namibia

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

In old Africa: Dust stirred by bare feet and lions’ paws . . . Gone now.

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- Sep 20, 2021
A World Without Elephants
A World Without Elephants

by Zoe Krasney

As I write this, I just learned about the horror of 87 elephants slaughtered for their ivory in Botswana in early September.

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- Oct 17, 2018
The Mighty Giraffe
The Mighty Giraffe

by Lysander Christo

Silent steps of evolution, highest height of all the world. Of all the world a graceful trot, so fast, yet so slow through the savannah, where the elephants trumpet and blow.

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- Nov 29, 2017
Meeting with an Elephant
Meeting with an Elephant

by Lysander Christo

In this unprincipled time of elephant carnage in the name of ivory, my wife, son and I have come to view elephants as being on equal footing, searching for them with a guide on conservation lands.

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The Living Boulders of  a Faraway Time
The Living Boulders of  a Faraway Time

by Cyril Christo and Marie Wilkinson

We walked among the armored behemoths in total awe, mesmerized  by the sands and giant green euphorbia bushes that seemed to be from a primeval time.  My wife Marie and I came within 40 feet of a single…

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Marching to Save the Elephant on October 4
Marching to Save the Elephant on October 4

by Cyril Christo and Marie Wilkinson

The upcoming International March for Elephants will be held October 4, 2013, across three continents and 13 cities, from Melbourne to Rome, from Cape Town to New York, and is inspired by the David Sheldrick…

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Saving the African Elephants
Saving the African Elephants

by Shraddha Chakradhar

2011 marked the worst year for elephant poaching and illegal ivory trading since the height of the trade in the 1980s, according to the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). Following this…

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