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Sea Turtles Support Biodiversity - 03-December-2021
Sea Turtles Support Biodiversity - 03-December-2021

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- Dec 14, 2021
One Loggerhead Turtle’s 30-Year Journey
One Loggerhead Turtle’s 30-Year Journey

by Devin Reese

I got my feet wet in fieldwork as an intern for the Conservancy of Southwest Florida in the 1980s. Literally. My feet got wet when my supervisor, biologist Dave Addison, unflappably led me through the…

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Elephant Depression
Elephant Depression

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

"Depression is biological," The experts say. "Feel good! Take Prozac,

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Fieldwork in Namibia
Fieldwork in Namibia

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

In old Africa: Dust stirred by bare feet and lions’ paws . . . Gone now.

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The Mighty Giraffe
The Mighty Giraffe

by Lysander Christo

Silent steps of evolution, highest height of all the world. Of all the world a graceful trot, so fast, yet so slow through the savannah, where the elephants trumpet and blow.

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Meeting with an Elephant
Meeting with an Elephant

by Lysander Christo

In this unprincipled time of elephant carnage in the name of ivory, my wife, son and I have come to view elephants as being on equal footing, searching for them with a guide on conservation lands.

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- Aug 27, 2017
New Fishing Line Recyclers Along the Emerald Coast
New Fishing Line Recyclers Along the Emerald Coast

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For a few months this winter, my office in Okaloosa County became storage space for ten monofilament recyclers. Wide PVC pipes had been painted with beautiful marine designs — from herons to crabs to mermaids…

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Too Rare to Wear: Stopping Illegal Trade of Hawksbill Turtle Products
Too Rare to Wear: Stopping Illegal Trade of Hawksbill Turtle Products

by Georgia Woodroffe

The Too Rare to Wear campaign brings tourist and conservation groups together to end the trade of illegal tortoiseshell products. Also called turtleshell, this material comes from hawksbill sea turtles,…

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