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Food As Medicine - 17-January-2020
Food As Medicine - 17-January-2020

by Morgan Sanders

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- Jan 17, 2020
Fighting for Survival: Lifting Up Indigenous Voices
Fighting for Survival: Lifting Up Indigenous Voices

by Sarah Abdelrahim

Indigenous peoples play a crucial role in protecting and advocating for global biodiversity. According to the United Nations, there are 370 million Indigenous peoples around the world — almost 5 percent…

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- Jun 13, 2018
Ice Storm
Ice Storm

by Kira Johnson

Visiting my father’s house, one year to the day after his death, I awoke to a world of ice.

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- Jan 10, 2018
Things We Don’t See in the Woods
Things We Don’t See in the Woods

by Ron Dans

I began my photographic journey around the age of 14, when my parents gave me a 120 Yashika camera. I was fascinated to see the upside-down image on the ground glass, and even more astounded when the prints…

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- Dec 13, 2017
Birdwatching: A Growing Industry in Post-Conflict Colombia
Birdwatching: A Growing Industry in Post-Conflict Colombia

by Erika Zambello

In November 2016, Colombia’s congress approved a historic peace deal after a 52-year conflict with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). For decades, the presence of armed groups prevented…

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Life as a Scientific Illustrator
Life as a Scientific Illustrator

by Laurel Mundy

I grew up drawing animals. Birds, bugs, whales, my cat, anything you can think of, including animals that didn’t exist. My best friend and I would sit for hours doing nothing else.

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- May 18, 2017
Peru’s Chaparrí Conservation Area:  A Wildlife Reserve in the Tumbesian Dry Forests
Peru’s Chaparrí Conservation Area: A Wildlife Reserve in the Tumbesian Dry Forests

by Maddie Southard

Named for the mountain that dominates the landscape, the Chaparrí Conservation Area is located about 50 miles east of the Pacific coast in northern Peru.

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- May 04, 2017
Connecting with Biodiversity Using Macro Photography
Connecting with Biodiversity Using Macro Photography

by Matthew Cicanese

In a  2013 article published by American Entomologist, a trio of authors contemplated the importance of macro photography in documenting biodiversity. In their abstract, they summarize: "Digital macrophotography…

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Reduce, Reuse and ... Power Up
Reduce, Reuse and ... Power Up

by Terence Hyland

Perspective can dictate what we see. A visitor to Guam or Easter Island may see sandy beaches or breathtaking seascapes, but a local may see an endless tide carrying plastic bottle caps and spent fishing…

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- Aug 22, 2016
Bird Conservation in Colombia’s Andean Forests
Bird Conservation in Colombia’s Andean Forests

by Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela

I wake up at 4:30 a.m. in my tent and go out to admire the dark, cloud-covered forest. I meet with my team of locals to warm up and discuss our plan of action. Over a nice cup of Colombian coffee, we sit…

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Creating Ice Storms
Creating Ice Storms

by Lindsey Rustad

Ice storms are extreme winter weather events that inspire wonder and fear in people who live and work in northern temperate and boreal forests around the world. They are major causes of disturbance in…

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Conservation Under the Pandas Umbrella
Conservation Under the Pandas Umbrella

by Barbara Fraser

When it comes to wildlife protection, the most photogenic species — such as polar bears, dolphins and pandas — seem to attract the most attention and conservation dollars.

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- Feb 23, 2016