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La Terre Vue Par Les Enfants
La Terre Vue Par Les Enfants

by Reza Visual Academy

En 2012, le photojournaliste Reza Deghati a collaboré avec IDEA (International Dialogue for Environnemental Action) pour lancer le concours international de photographie, festival et exposition «Children's…

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- Mar 29, 2020
Hunting and Fishing in Lake Atitlán / La Caza y La Pesca en el Lago de Atitlán
Hunting and Fishing in Lake Atitlán / La Caza y La Pesca en el Lago de Atitlán

by Ingrid Maribel Xingo Ajanel

This video is the third in a series published through collaboration with Unlocking Silent Histories.

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- Aug 02, 2019
Fighting for Survival: Lifting Up Indigenous Voices
Fighting for Survival: Lifting Up Indigenous Voices

by Sarah Abdelrahim

Indigenous peoples play a crucial role in protecting and advocating for global biodiversity. According to the United Nations, there are 370 million Indigenous peoples around the world — almost 5 percent…

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- Jun 13, 2018
Do You See What I See?
Do You See What I See?

by The Kids of the Field Institute of Taos

Susie Fiore founded the Field Institute of Taos (FIT) in 1996, blending her background in archaeology and her experience as a youth ski instructor to create an organization that provides local children…

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- Feb 07, 2018
Nature in the Camp
Nature in the Camp

by Reza Visual Academy

Many Syrian refugees, fleeing the war in their home country, are living in Kawergosk Camp near the city of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan.

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- Jan 17, 2018
The Mighty Giraffe
The Mighty Giraffe

by Lysander Christo

Silent steps of evolution, highest height of all the world. Of all the world a graceful trot, so fast, yet so slow through the savannah, where the elephants trumpet and blow.

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- Nov 29, 2017
Meeting with an Elephant
Meeting with an Elephant

by Lysander Christo

In this unprincipled time of elephant carnage in the name of ivory, my wife, son and I have come to view elephants as being on equal footing, searching for them with a guide on conservation lands.

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- Aug 27, 2017
Living the Science: Place-Based Education as a Model for Scientific Learning
Living the Science: Place-Based Education as a Model for Scientific Learning

by Jacqueline Gerson

“Dip your hand in the water!” I yelled over the crash of whitewater, and then a few seconds later, “Now try it again!”

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- Apr 20, 2017
I Dream of Bison
I Dream of Bison

by Elke Duerr

I grew up on an organic farm in Germany. By the time I was born, we Germans had already wiped out our large mammals; the wisent (German bison), wolf, bear, lynx, wild cats, auroxen, moose and elk were…

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- Jan 13, 2017
Audubon’s Nebraska Crane Festival
Audubon’s Nebraska Crane Festival

by Emily Baumbach

During four to six weeks from the beginning of March and into mid-April, nearly half a million Sandhill Cranes, roughly 80% of the world population, arrive in south-central Nebraska.

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- Jan 26, 2015
The Bones of Extinction at the Ivory Crush
The Bones of Extinction at the Ivory Crush

by Lysander Christo

In November, 2013, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stood vigil over an unprecedented event in the United States: the crushing of six tons of illegal ivory seized from poachers and smugglers. At the…

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- Jan 20, 2014
Sculpting Nature: Memories in Stone
Sculpting Nature: Memories in Stone

by Zoe Stoenner

Statues are ubiquitous; they stand watch in front of government buildings, adorn city towers, and are monuments to what we humans hold in high esteem. While many sculptures are a testament to our history…

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- Nov 04, 2013