Joyce Poole has studied elephants and worked for their conservation and welfare for over four decades, beginning her life’s endeavour in Amboseli, Kenya, in 1975. She graduated from Smith College, holds a Cambridge University PhD and was a Princeton University post-doctoral fellow. Poole is a world authority on elephant reproductive, communicative and cognitive behaviour. Her African elephant findings include: the phenomenon and patterns of musth; infrasonic and longdistance communication; vocal imitation; documentation of elephant vocal and gestural repertoires and elephant cognition. She has published numerous popular and scientific articles, written two books, participated in scores of elephant documentaries and is lead author of The Elephant Charter. She headed the Kenya Wildlife Service Elephant Program (1990–1994), where she was responsible for elephant conservation and management for the country. She and husband Petter Granli founded ElephantVoices in 2002 and continue to co-direct it. In 2011 they initiated elephant conservation projects in the Mara ecosystem, Kenya, and in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, and continue to work internationally to improve the survival and welfare of elephants. Poole is a recipient of the Smith College Medal, the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival Outstanding Achievement Award and the Horace Dutton Taft Alumni Medal.