Matthew Cicanese (sick-uh-neez) is a National Geographic Explorer, conservation photographer and documentary artist whose work examines small organisms, threatened and protected ecosystems, and human interactions with the environment. He explores the intersection of art, science and the visceral response of wonder that nature triggers in humans. He often combines gigapixel macro images, soundscapes and 360-degree spherical panoramas to create immersive and interactive experiences for his viewers. Much of his work is inspired by the various sensory challenges he faced growing up as a deaf-blind survivor of penicillin-resistant pneumococcal meningitis at the age of only 9 months. His recent work explores the cryptogamic species across Iceland’s landscapes.
Matthew’s work has been included in solo and group exhibitions at the Royal Geographical Society (London), Light Grey Art Lab (Minneapolis, MN), Power Plant Gallery (Durham, NC), Mahato Memorial Gallery (Durham, NC), Louise Jones Brown Gallery (Durham, NC) and the Melvin Art Gallery (Lakeland, FL). Commissioned photography projects for his work have included specimen digitization for the Duke Lichen Laboratory, documentation of the endangered Red Cockaded Woodpecker in Central Florida and recording of bottlenose dolphin populations off Florida’s Sarasota Bay.
Reviews and articles including his work have appeared in BBC Earth, New Scientist Magazine, Nikon Photo Independent, among others. He was recently awarded a National Geographic Young Explorer Grant, as well as an Art Residency with the Light Grey Art Lab in Iceland. His speaking engagements have taken place in private and public settings with audiences from 20 to 2,000 — including venues such as National Geographic Headquarters (Washington DC), Canon’s Experience Center (Costa Mesa, CA), Duke University (Durham, NC) and Florida Southern College (Lakeland, FL).
He lives and works in the small town where he grew up in Florida’s Tampa Bay Area. When he’s not on assignment around the world, he enjoys his town’s local festivals and outdoor recreation areas.
Stay up to date with Matthew’s work on Instagram and learn more at his website.