Orange fish in the ocean - photo by Hiroko Yoshii - photo by Hiroko Yoshii

Mexico City’s Wildlife

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Mexico City is home to approximately 2,254 wildlife species including insects and other arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

However, because it is one of the biggest and most polluted cities in the world, its citizens tend to believe that nature and wildlife cannot survive — much less thrive — amidst so much concrete. That’s why whenever there is any kind of human-animal encounter, people tend to either run away scared or harm whatever unfortunate animal they’ve met. 

Three years ago, I found a dead possum near my house. It had been poisoned by one of my neighbors, and I realized that one of the biggest issues in wildlife conservation is the apathy created by the lack of educational opportunities and knowledge with regards to nature. In response as a conservation photographer, I created the project called “Mexico City’s Wildlife” (Fauna de la Ciudad de México).

By combining photography with science, educational workshops and hands-on activities, this project has been helping people to learn about and better understand their wild neighbors. I hope to continue with this important project, bringing it to different neighborhoods and schools so that people, especially children, will be more empathetic toward nature and get inspired enough to raise their voices and fight for wildlife and nature conservation — even in this large city.

Click here to read this article in Spanish.

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