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The Ecological Importance of Folklore
The Ecological Importance of Folklore

by Jessica Schmonsky

Folklore, religion, mythology and other belief systems have a considerable effect on how various cultures think about the natural world and their role in its use or protection. In some cultures, folklore…

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The Global Impact of Climate Change
The Global Impact of Climate Change

by Altaire Cambata

What are the implications for indigenous or place-based cultures facing the imminent and gradually-destructive processes of climate change? There is a significant amount of literature that suggests the…

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by Morgan Heim

Two journalists grab cameras and head to the wilds of Thailand’s mangrove forests in search of an endangered cat with a special affinity for water.

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Connecting Habitats: Thinking like a Roaming Species
Connecting Habitats: Thinking like a Roaming Species

by Alexander Gilbert

Large animal species like wolves and bears require vast amounts of land to find food and mates. However, their habitats have become increasingly fragmented as development encroaches on once-wild areas.…

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Those Dammed Salmon
Those Dammed Salmon

by G.R. Stahl

For thousands of years, salmon have been the beating heart of Idaho. They have fed families, boosted the economy, challenged determined anglers, nourished the bodies and spirits of Native Americans, and…

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Lessons From Wolves
Lessons From Wolves

by Jami Wright

Anthropologist Jami Wright studied wolf reintroduction in Idaho by studying Idahoans. She found that many wolf complaints had more to do with people than the predator.

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- Oct 22, 2010
Falcon Watch
Falcon Watch

by Zoe Krasney

Writer Zoe Krasney meets with biologists at a site for the Pelegrine Fund’s Aplomado Falcon Release Program. While witnessing captivity-bred fledglings take flight, she examines the challenges of protecting…

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