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Australia: A Gallery of the Micro
Australia: A Gallery of the Micro

by Tannyr Carnes

Australia is home to some of the most unique landscapes in the world. Join Voices for Biodiversity’s Tannyr Carnes as she explores the country through its smallest details.

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The Global Impact of Climate Change
The Global Impact of Climate Change

by Altaire Cambata

What are the implications for indigenous or place-based cultures facing the imminent and gradually-destructive processes of climate change? There is a significant amount of literature that suggests the…

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Hidden World: Photography of Mark Lightfoot
Hidden World: Photography of Mark Lightfoot

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Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered by water. For most people, the creatures that inhabit this alien world are hidden from view. Diver and photographer Mark Lightfoot wants to bring them into…

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Two journalists grab cameras and head to the wilds of Thailand’s mangrove forests in search of an endangered cat with a special affinity for water.

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From Botswana
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by Sophy Burnham

Thank you for joining us in reading these Field Notes from writer Sophy Burnham, an award-winning playwright, novelist, and nonfiction writer whose books have appeared on the New York Times bestseller…

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The New Face of Wildlife Filmmaking: a report from the 2011 Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival
The New Face of Wildlife Filmmaking: a report from the 2011 Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival

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The Land of Enchantment
The Land of Enchantment

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Connecting Habitats: Thinking like a Roaming Species
Connecting Habitats: Thinking like a Roaming Species

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Large animal species like wolves and bears require vast amounts of land to find food and mates. However, their habitats have become increasingly fragmented as development encroaches on once-wild areas.…

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The Mozambique Horse Safari
The Mozambique Horse Safari

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The Spirit of Crow Creek
The Spirit of Crow Creek

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The intense poverty and complicated social issues facing the Lakota people are ominous reminders of their historical hardships. In spite of such difficulties, hope for prosperity endures. The Lakota tribe’s…

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Mustangs:  Icons of the American West
Mustangs: Icons of the American West

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Those Dammed Salmon
Those Dammed Salmon

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