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In Predatory Light
In Predatory Light

by Zoe Krasney

The photography and text filling the pages of In Predatory Light: Lions and Tigers and Polar Bears haunt like the dissolving edges of a gripping dream. This new book by art and conservation power couple…

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- Mar 17, 2014
Nina Simons: Women, Leadership and Conservation
Nina Simons: Women, Leadership and Conservation

by Zoe Krasney

Nina Simons is the co-founder of Bioneers, a gathering of social and scientific innovators that focuses on furthering a cooperative global culture while fostering sustainability and collaboration.

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- Dec 02, 2013
In Palm Oil’s Wake: an interview with Robert Hii
In Palm Oil’s Wake: an interview with Robert Hii

by Kathryn Pardo

There are already 8 million acres of land cleared for palm oil plantations in Indonesia and 9 million in Malaysia, and, according to Rainforest Action Network, the Indonesian government is already planning…

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- Aug 19, 2013
Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth
Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth

by Debra Denker

Voices for Biodiversity became aware of Pebsworth’s work when she was doing her field research in South Africa. Voices for Biodiversity’s founder, Dr. Tara Waters Lumpkin, and filmmaker…

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- Mar 11, 2013
Allison Argo: filmmaker, conservationist
Allison Argo: filmmaker, conservationist

by Mary Bates

Raised in a theatrical family, filmmaker Allison Argo learned early on the art of storytelling. And when she met Ivan, a 27-year-old gorilla held in a 14-by-14 foot concrete cell in a mall in Tacoma, Washington,…

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- Jan 28, 2013
The Future of Life
The Future of Life

by Altaire Cambata

E.O. Wilson’s highly influential work The Future of Life begins where one would imagine: the present. Half of all species thrive in tropical rainforests, though any locale with liquid water, organic molecules…

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- Oct 15, 2012
The Worst Hard Time
The Worst Hard Time

by Jami Wright

In The Worst Hard Time, Pulitzer Prize winning author Timothy Egan penetrates the American experience of the Dust Bowl through interviews with a soon-to-be lost generation. This era made its mark despite…

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- Sep 10, 2012
The Four Furies of the Southwest
The Four Furies of the Southwest

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

President of Voices for Biodiversity, Dr. Tara Lumpkin, sits down with author William de Buys to talk about the four greatest threats to the fragile Southwestern ecosystems. How are the recent fires in…

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- Sep 03, 2012
Q&A with Sean Carnell of Tigers for Tigers
Q&A with Sean Carnell of Tigers for Tigers

by George Stevens

George Stevens sits down with Sean Carnell, a Senior at Clemson University and President of Tigers for Tigers, an organization which is partnering with other universities to form the National Tiger Coalition.…

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- Aug 15, 2012
Visiting the World Wide Fund for Nature in India
Visiting the World Wide Fund for Nature in India

by Altaire Cambata

India is a country with incredible biodiversity and hundreds of cultures and languages, and they all have to coexist in a country with limited resources. Izilwane’s Altaire Cambata sits down with some…

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Lysander’s Song
Lysander’s Song

by Sarah Bennett

You know that feeling, looking back on childhood memories, when you aren’t sure whether the memory is actually yours? Perhaps you extrapolated from a photo you saw or drew from stories you were told. Like…

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- Aug 06, 2012
An Interview with Sharon Matola
An Interview with Sharon Matola

by Altaire Cambata

Altaire Cambata had the chance to meet Sharon Matola, the founder of the Belize Zoo – and still the only zoo in Belize – while studying abroad at the Tropical Education Center. Here, Altaire and Sharon…

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- Jul 02, 2012