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Studying Visitors at the Gorilla Exhibit
Studying Visitors at the Gorilla Exhibit

by Beth Kelley

At Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, researcher Beth Kelley studies humans interacting with gorillas. Her studies tell us much about ourselves as primates, as well as illustrating what interests us about other…

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- Aug 31, 2011
Inspiring Young People to Care about the Environment
Inspiring Young People to Care about the Environment

by Jack Chapman

What does it take to get today's young people excited about environmental conservation? I believe that hands-on work in a natural or outdoor setting gives them real-world experiences that boost their interest…

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- Aug 31, 2011
Q&A with Lawrence Anthony, author of The Elephant Whisperer
Q&A with Lawrence Anthony, author of The Elephant Whisperer

by Julia Osterman

Voices for Biodiversity catches up with author and conservationist Lawrence Anthony to learn more about his two books and third upcoming book. In the process, Anthony talks about the power of animals to…

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The Elephant Whisperer
The Elephant Whisperer

by Julia Osterman

Journey into the South African bush in Lawrence Anthony’s The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild. This touching narrative, which delves into the transformational relationship…

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Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice
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Broken, An interview with author Lisa Jones
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In her touching memoir, Broken: A Love Story, Lisa Jones explores not only the dichotomies of life – of suffering and redemption, death and life, development and poverty – but also, and perhaps more stirringly,…

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Elephant Sanctuary
Elephant Sanctuary

by John Michaloski

CHITWAN, NEPAL For three months, John Michaloski bathed, fed, and tended to elephants in Chitwan, Nepal, where he developed a relationship with an elephant named Sundar Kali. Here, John reflects on his…

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Bonobo Handshake
Bonobo Handshake

by Kira Johnson

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Monster of God
Monster of God

by Jami Wright

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Vanishing of the Bees
Vanishing of the Bees

by Kira Johnson

One-third of the foods most humans eat are dependent on bees for pollination. Unfortunately, Colony Collapse Disorder is causing bee populations to decline at an alarming rate. Read more about this troubling…

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Michael Soulé, Grandfather of Conservation Biology
Michael Soulé, Grandfather of Conservation Biology

by Alexander Gilbert

Michael Soulé is considered by many to be the grandfather of conservation biology. He formed the Wildlands Project, now the Wildands Network, over a decade ago. A dozen vigorous, local ecosystem-conservation…

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Shooting in the Wild: An Interview with filmmaker Chris Palmer
Shooting in the Wild: An Interview with filmmaker Chris Palmer

by Amy Carfagno

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