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Q&A with Spencer Wells, author of Pandora’s Seed
Q&A with Spencer Wells, author of Pandora’s Seed

by Julia Osterman

Izilwane interviews eminent population geneticist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Spencer Wells to discuss his most recent book, Pandora’s Seed. He talks about the need to consider the long-term…

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- Nov 14, 2011
Pandora’s Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization
Pandora’s Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization

by Julia Osterman

In this stirring study of how civilization has strained the human relationship with the natural world, author Spencer Wells examines issues such as obesity, global warming, the rise of mental illness,…

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- Nov 07, 2011
Revisiting Gay Bradshaw’s Work
Revisiting Gay Bradshaw’s Work

by Zoe Krasney

Gay Bradshaw, founder of The Kerulos Center and of trans-species psychology, discusses animal forgiveness, extinction and genocide with Voices for Biodiversity’s Zoe Krasney.

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- Oct 30, 2011
A Conservation Conversation with Dr. Stuart Pimm
A Conservation Conversation with Dr. Stuart Pimm

by Julia Osterman

Stuart Pimm discusses the ethics behind conservation and the importance of involving local peoples in protecting their own local biodiversity.

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- Oct 17, 2011
Q&A with Lee Berger
Q&A with Lee Berger

by Julia Osterman

Voices for Biodiversity speaks with paleoanthropologist and National Geographic Explorer Lee Berger about his newest research and revelations regarding the newly discovered hominid species, Australopithecus…

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- Sep 12, 2011
Q&A with Lawrence Anthony, author of The Elephant Whisperer
Q&A with Lawrence Anthony, author of The Elephant Whisperer

by Julia Osterman

Voices for Biodiversity catches up with author and conservationist Lawrence Anthony to learn more about his two books and third upcoming book. In the process, Anthony talks about the power of animals to…

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- Jul 25, 2011
The Elephant Whisperer
The Elephant Whisperer

by Julia Osterman

Journey into the South African bush in Lawrence Anthony’s The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild. This touching narrative, which delves into the transformational relationship…

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- Jul 25, 2011
Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice
Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice

by Altaire Cambata

Ethnobotonist and author Mark Plotkin delves into the world of traditional medicinal knowledge and the mysteries of Amazonian biology, culture and spirituality. Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice is a plea…

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Broken, An interview with author Lisa Jones
Broken, An interview with author Lisa Jones

by G.R. Stahl

In her touching memoir, Broken: A Love Story, Lisa Jones explores not only the dichotomies of life – of suffering and redemption, death and life, development and poverty – but also, and perhaps more stirringly,…

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- May 30, 2011
Bonobo Handshake
Bonobo Handshake

by Kira Johnson

Bonobo Handshake by Vanessa Woods’ chronicles experiences with bonobos in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Learn more about these fascinating primates in this captivating novel!

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- Apr 04, 2011
Monster of God
Monster of God

by Jami Wright

In Monster of God David Quammen, author of Song of the Dodo and a writer for National Geographic Magazine, takes his readers around the world and simultaneously delves into the human psyche probing the…

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- Mar 17, 2011
Vanishing of the Bees
Vanishing of the Bees

by Kira Johnson

One-third of the foods most humans eat are dependent on bees for pollination. Unfortunately, Colony Collapse Disorder is causing bee populations to decline at an alarming rate. Read more about this troubling…

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- Mar 02, 2011