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In Palm Oil’s Wake: an interview with Robert Hii
In Palm Oil’s Wake: an interview with Robert Hii

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There are already 8 million acres of land cleared for palm oil plantations in Indonesia and 9 million in Malaysia, and, according to Rainforest Action Network, the Indonesian government is already planning…

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Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth
Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth

by Debra Denker

Voices for Biodiversity became aware of Pebsworth’s work when she was doing her field research in South Africa. Voices for Biodiversity’s founder, Dr. Tara Waters Lumpkin, and filmmaker…

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Food Security and Sustainable Action
Food Security and Sustainable Action

by Jessica Schmonsky

Climate change affects agriculture and food production both directly through changing environmental conditions and indirectly by affecting growth and the distribution of incomes. Current studies suggest…

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A Brief Biodiversity Explainer
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by Lillian Steenblik Hwang

You have probably read a lot of articles that mention biodiversity, but sometimes it can be unclear exactly what biodiversity is and how biodiversity loss impacts your life. As we enter the new year, here…

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Displacement  of Local Peoples
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For thousands of years, people have depended on their natural surroundings for their livelihoods. Sustaining the environment and minimizing their impact on it remain necessities for survival. It is these…

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Allison Argo: filmmaker, conservationist
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Raised in a theatrical family, filmmaker Allison Argo learned early on the art of storytelling. And when she met Ivan, a 27-year-old gorilla held in a 14-by-14 foot concrete cell in a mall in Tacoma, Washington,…

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The Growing Importance of Ecofeminism
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In a world of growing pollution, increasing climate change and dramatic biodiversity loss, ecofeminism can offer humans a new lens through we which we can view our role in conservation. These new ideas…

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The Future of Life
The Future of Life

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E.O. Wilson’s highly influential work The Future of Life begins where one would imagine: the present. Half of all species thrive in tropical rainforests, though any locale with liquid water, organic molecules…

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China, Raw and Tender
China, Raw and Tender

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Hippotherapy: Horses and the Human Condition
Hippotherapy: Horses and the Human Condition

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The Great Salmon Tour Project
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The Worst Hard Time
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