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Venus Flytrap Poachers Arrested in North Carolina
Venus Flytrap Poachers Arrested in North Carolina

by Kathryn Pardo

RALEIGH, NC—Venus flytrap poaching may not seem like the most lucrative crime for those looking for an easy buck, but the uprooting of these plants to sell in roadside stands and markets is threatening…

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- Feb 15, 2012
Wolf Culling Enacted by Government
Wolf Culling Enacted by Government

by Kathryn Pardo

WASHINGTON, DC—The Idaho Department of Fish and Game plans to implement aerial hunting of wolves this year, using federal funds to support the culling. The ultimate goal of this plan is not to effectively…

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Universities Turn to Green Energy
Universities Turn to Green Energy

by Kathryn Pardo

WASHINGTON, D.C. — At least seven colleges and universities now receive 100 percent of the electricity they use from green power sources, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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Conservation Group Sues NPS Cypress Management Plan
Conservation Group Sues NPS Cypress Management Plan

by Kathryn Pardo, Jessica Gottlieb, Jessica Schmonsky

A conservation organization has filed suit against the National Park Service, accusing the government agency of failing to protect critical Florida panther habitat in Big Cypress National Preserve. The…

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Biodiversity Continues to Decrease
Biodiversity Continues to Decrease

by Kathryn Pardo

A new study, published in Marine Ecology Progress Series on July 28, shows that while protected areas are increasing throughout the world, they are not adequate to stymie the loss of biodiversity.

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Student of the Horse
Student of the Horse

by Susan Ramsey

"I'm not a horse whisperer. I am a student of the horse. Our body language becomes the curious discourse of give and take, of pressure and release, direct and indirect -- a dance if you will," explained.…

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Philippine Marine Life
Philippine Marine Life

by Amy Carfagno

Scuba diver Brian Kramer photographed some of the vast marine life in the 7,107 islands of the Philippines. The islands of the Philippines lie within the coral triangle, an area that encompasses more than…

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