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Conservación de Aves en los Bosques Andinos de Colombia
Conservación de Aves en los Bosques Andinos de Colombia

by Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela

Me despierto a las 4:30 de la madrugada en mi tienda de campaña y salgo a admirar el bosque oscuro y cubierto de nubes. Me reúno con mi equipo local para entrar en calor y discutir nuestro plan de acción.

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- Dec 15, 2017
Birdwatching: A Growing Industry in Post-Conflict Colombia
Birdwatching: A Growing Industry in Post-Conflict Colombia

by Erika Zambello

In November 2016, Colombia’s congress approved a historic peace deal after a 52-year conflict with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). For decades, the presence of armed groups prevented…

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Wildfires and Wild Lives
Wildfires and Wild Lives

by Kira Johnson

On October 12, the human death toll in California’s deadliest wildfire in 80 years rose to thirty-one, with many more still reported missing. The tragedy is overwhelming. Viewing images of my home state…

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- Oct 13, 2017
2017 International Coastal Cleanup
2017 International Coastal Cleanup

by Erika Zambello

On Saturday, September 16, hundreds of thousands of volunteers from across the world headed to their coastal beaches and marshes to remove trash and marine debris as part of the 2017 International Coastal…

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- Sep 28, 2017
Hurricane Impact on Wildlife
Hurricane Impact on Wildlife

by Erika Zambello

In the United States, the news is currently dominated by storm stories, from Hurricane Harvey’s assault on Texas and Louisiana, to the incoming Hurricane Irma heading toward island nations, Puerto Rico,…

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- Sep 06, 2017
Can Citizen Science Save Us?
Can Citizen Science Save Us?

by Erika Zambello

Voices for Biodiversity’s Advisory Board Member Mary Ellen Hannibal took the TEDx Stanford stage to discuss her journey towards becoming a citizen scientist, and how this discipline could save the world.

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- Jun 20, 2017
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

Established in 1999, the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GB NERR) now stretches across 18,000 acres. In addition to the estuary’s salt marshes, the reserve also covers rare pine savannas,…

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- Jun 01, 2017
New Fishing Line Recyclers Along the Emerald Coast
New Fishing Line Recyclers Along the Emerald Coast

by Erika Zambello

For a few months this winter, my office in Okaloosa County became storage space for ten monofilament recyclers. Wide PVC pipes had been painted with beautiful marine designs — from herons to crabs to mermaids…

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- May 24, 2017
Global Big Day 2017: Counting the World’s Birds
Global Big Day 2017: Counting the World’s Birds

by Erika Zambello

Birders had their binoculars and checklists ready on May 13 for the annual Global Big Day, and I was one of them. Armed with my eBird phone app, which allows me to record when and where I see specific…

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- May 21, 2017
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

As part of an ongoing project, Erika Zambello is visiting all National Estuarine Research Reserves in the continental United States. Established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),…

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- Apr 25, 2017
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

I disembarked at Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (mercifully abbreviated to GTM NERR) with a group of practitioners, researchers and ecologists from around the world. The group…

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- Mar 23, 2017
The CITES Meeting: A Closer Look
The CITES Meeting: A Closer Look

by Alfred Mepukori

My amazing trip all began when the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) announced a global search for 34 international conservationists aged 18 to 25 to attend the first-ever Youth Forum for People…

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- Mar 06, 2017