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Labels and Lies: When the Eggs Come Before the Chickens
Labels and Lies: When the Eggs Come Before the Chickens

by Emily Swaim

When most people hear the word farm, they think of a large red barn, a fenced-in yard, and chickens roaming freely in the sunlight. Unfortunately, that scene is hardly common in contemporary America. Most…

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Tiger Tourism: Can Travel Help Save These Big Cats?
Tiger Tourism: Can Travel Help Save These Big Cats?

by Brad Nahill

Tigers are one of the most charismatic and beautiful animals on earth. They are the world’s largest cat and can live across a wide range of habitats, from mountains to coastal wetlands. Most of the world’s…

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A long journey to help Guajira and the Wayuu people
A long journey to help Guajira and the Wayuu people

by Alexandre Manigault

Esteban Ferrero Botero did not set out for Montana State University to study anthropology. Instead, he hoped to study archaeology and geololgy, inspired by growing up in Manizales, Colombia, a town built…

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The Power of Plants in Urban Pollution Reduction
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A new study in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science and Technology suggests that greenery such as trees and bushes in cities plays a larger role in reducing pollution levels than…

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SEEtheWILD and Saving the Sea Turtles Part I-VI
SEEtheWILD and Saving the Sea Turtles Part I-VI

by Brad Nahill

Summer in Portland, Oregon, is wonderful. Warm sunny days blend gradually into crisp nights, and even at the height of summer, it’s the perfect climate to explore the Columbia Gorge, Mt. Hood and the Oregon…

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Invasive Beetle Threatens America’s Ash Trees
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A small green beetle could be responsible for the destruction of all 7.5 billion ash trees throughout Canada and the U.S. It has already ravaged 100 million ash trees across 14 states and parts of Canada,…

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Our Imminently Threatened Coral Reefs
Our Imminently Threatened Coral Reefs

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New Protection for the Heart of the Congo
New Protection for the Heart of the Congo

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Florida Black Bear No Longer Endangered
Florida Black Bear No Longer Endangered

by Merri Collins

The Florida black bear, a subspecies of the North American black bear, was removed from Florida’s Endangered Species List by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission on June 27th.

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In Sri Lanka, Efforts to Save Earth’s Largest Animal
In Sri Lanka, Efforts to Save Earth’s Largest Animal

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Sri Lanka, an island located off the southern coast of India, has been called “The Pearl of the Indian Ocean” due to its rich culture, tropical forests, diverse landscapes and abundant biodiversity. The…

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Cyclists and Pedestrians Help Wildlife with Roadkill Survey
Cyclists and Pedestrians Help Wildlife with Roadkill Survey

by Alexandre Manigault

Roads are omnipresent in most landscapes around the globe. Roads provide a high level of connectivity in a human engineered and industrialized environment, but there is a price to pay. Whatever land a…

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Canada’s Vanishing Sage Grouse
Canada’s Vanishing Sage Grouse

by Merri Collins

A dramatic decrease in Canada’s sage grouse population reported this spring has led many to believe this prairie bird, listed as endangered in Canada since 1998, is facing extinction.

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