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Old Man of the Forest
Old Man of the Forest

by Caroline Braker

Over the last several decades, human activity, including the development of palm oil plantations, has caused massive deforestation in the Borneo rainforest. More recently, the Malaysian government has…

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- Apr 15, 2013
The Sanctity of Whales
The Sanctity of Whales

by Cyril Christo and Marie Wilkinson

Around 1855, after first sealing in California and whaling in Magdalena Bay, Baja, Charles Scammon, a captain from Maine turned his attention to San Ignacio Bay. By 1859-60 the grays had been all but eliminated.…

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- Apr 08, 2013
Tanzania Denuded
Tanzania Denuded

by Anne Silver

Upon reaching the Malawi/Tanzanian border, my Blackberry jumped to life with a request to visit a potential site for a new Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) and to stop by to say “hi” to some current ones. My…

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The Flow of Changing Light
The Flow of Changing Light

by Lisa Bayne

Whether walking through an ancient rain forest in the Queen Charlotte Islands or hiking up a mountain in northern New Mexico, photographer Lisa Bayne is in awe of the endless variations and flow of changing…

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Lleva una Llama a Almorzar
Lleva una Llama a Almorzar

by Teresa Dovalpage

Take a Llama to Lunch (Lleva una Llama a Almorzar) es una de las excursiones que ofrece Wild Earth Llama Adventures, una compañía que lleva veinte años haciendo senderismo con llamas en Nuevo México. La…

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The Impact of El Salvador’s Ban on Consumption of Sea Turtles
The Impact of El Salvador’s Ban on Consumption of Sea Turtles

by Brad Nahill

In the hopes of reversing the tide of wildlife loss, the government of El Salvador enacted a ban on the consumption, sale, and possession of sea turtles, their eggs, and their parts for purposes other…

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Pathway Toward  Soul: The Film Journey
Pathway Toward Soul: The Film Journey

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This film is my most challenging and the most critical, with the potential to transform the face of fur fashion, save the lives of countless animals around the world, awaken humanity on our planet, and…

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My Pantanal: The Movie
My Pantanal: The Movie

by Catherine Meyer

Join Panthera and young cowboy Aerenilso as they explore the ranches and wetlands of western Brazil, looking for the elusive jaguar. This short film addresses some of the concerns of local ranchers and…

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Bali’s Serenity
Bali’s Serenity

by Courtney Quirin

This unique photo gallery celebrates the interdependence between Balinese subsistence communities and the landscape. While traveling through Bali in 2011, photographer Caroline Braker was inspired to capture…

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The Disappearing Rainforests of Kagoro
The Disappearing Rainforests of Kagoro

by Bala Dada

Bala Dada travelled to the rainforests and mountains of Kagoro, Nigeria, every year to visit family and participate in the annual Afan National Festival. He used to love the thick canopies and endless…

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Saving the African Elephants
Saving the African Elephants

by Shraddha Chakradhar

2011 marked the worst year for elephant poaching and illegal ivory trading since the height of the trade in the 1980s, according to the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). Following this…

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Elephants in the Refuge
Elephants in the Refuge

by Oriane Lee Johnston

Wasara Ranch and the Chiredzi River Land Conservancy in Zimbabwe is theoretically a place of refuge. But the flood of new settlers continues unchecked and has decimated the original Wasara ranch land,…

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