by Andrew Flachs, Ashley Glenn
El amanecer en la Bosnia rural comienza lentamente mientras la luz del sol se asoma a través de las colinas y retazos de nubes se posan sobre los valles. Estamos tomando café en una aldea que queda dos…
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by Jean Marie Twambaze
Jean-Marie Twambaze is a safari guide at Akengara National Park in Rwanda whose photos showcase the beautiful and diverse wildlife of Rwanda.
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by Erika Zambello
I sat at a high table at Half Shell Oyster House in Destin, Florida. Christmas music played softly in the background, complemented by fir boughs adorned with red bows on each table. General Manager Stephen…
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by Rina Herzl
Picture an animal enrobed in a fiery, jigsaw-patterned coat, a creature of such majestic height that it towers amongst the trees. As your eyes make their way up its long neck that appears to defy gravity,…
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by Kiliii Yuyan
In April 2017, Saira Ka’apor was found stabbed to death in a logging town in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. Saira was a member of the Ka’apor Forest Guard, an Indigenous group that patrols their territory…
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by Georgia Woodroffe
The “British Tiger,” with dense fur and bewitching eyes, is at the heart of many British folk stories and traditions. Hundreds of years ago their ferocity, untamable nature, and haunting mating calls infiltrated…
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by Gemina Garland-Lewis
I’m standing in the Hoh rainforest in Olympic National Park, a light drizzle starting to come down on this late day in May. I’m surrounded by people who are absolutely enthralled by the various mosses,…
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by Debra Denker
As I open my garden gate on an uncharacteristically sultry Southwest summer afternoon, I hear a growl, a thump and then scrabbling in the Russian olive tree above me. I round the corner and come face to…
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by Andrew Flachs, Ashley Glenn
Dawn in rural Bosnia breaks slowly, as the sunlight peeks through hilltops and wisps of clouds settle in the valleys. We’re drinking coffee in a village two hours northwest of Sarajevo, where the morning…
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by Erika Zambello
Landfills create big problems. Toxins in electronic refuse — old cell phones, computers, televisions, etc. — can eventually leach into the soil and groundwater, causing decades of environmental health…
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by Gemina Garland-Lewis
When I first set foot on Santa Cruz Island, I hadn’t yet heard the story of the island fox and its remarkable recovery. To be honest, I didn’t even know these foxes existed. The first time I saw one, I…
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by Jaime Gordon
Duke Law professor Michelle Nowlin is making waves in North Carolina’s hog industry. Now a Supervising Attorney at Duke’s Environmental Law and Policy Clinic, Nowlin started her work in the mid 90s at…
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