by Mohit Raj
Picture a lake where massive landmasses covered in shaggy green vegetation naturally generate over its surface. They have no base, yet still become so dense that they can bear not only the load of occupants,…
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by Debra Denker
Growing up in Northern Alberta in the 1950s and 1960s, Cree Medicine Woman Nicole Gladu never dreamed that there would come a time when the rich sources of game that sustained her people would become scarce,…
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by Nathan Woosley
Four years ago, I was living with a couple of friends in Shenyang, Northeast China. We spent a lot of our time exploring old ruins, knockoff shops and other tourist traps throughout the industrial city.…
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by Georgia Woodroffe
Johnny Rodrigues, Chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), is a key figure in Zimbabwean wildlife conservation. Despite the heroic labels that have been ascribed to his actions, Rodrigues…
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by Terence Hyland
Renewable energy provides an abundance of benefits: few carbon dioxide emissions, improved air quality, and the economic promise of new jobs. But even the most well-intentioned technologies can have unintended…
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by Jennifer Calkins
The American crows in my Seattle neighborhood recognize me. I know this because they follow me, call when they see me, and peer at me through my window. They know me, because I have fed them before. They…
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by Patty Shenker
In Africa, an elephant is killed every 15 minutes for his/her ivory. A normal day in countries like Rwanda or Zimbabwe ends up with about 96 elephants killed, all illegally, as the international trade…
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by Georgia Woodroffe
Since Europeans first set foot on the American continent, war has been waged against predators, with bounties and other lethal programs put on their heads. But, when a predator is no longer a threat, when…
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by Anne Kreller
Like other former British colonies, Australia has been part of the long international movement to create national parks. The first in Australia was created in 1879, and by 1967, the NSW Government had…
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by Teresa Dovalpage
La nutria de río (Lontra canadensis) es un mamífero semi acuático grande y fuerte, que pertenece a la familia Weasal. Son muy sociables, juguetonas y tienen una energía aparentemente ilimitada, así que…
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by Tara Waters Lumpkin
Formed in 1993 in Eugene, Oregon, the Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) states its mission as using “the power of the law to defend and protect the American West’s treasured landscapes, iconic wildlife…
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by Jessica Schmonsky
Climate change affects agriculture and food production both directly through changing environmental conditions and indirectly by affecting growth and the distribution of incomes. Current studies suggest…
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