by Debra Denker
“Kindness to animals has no boundaries” is both the tagline of Animal-Kind International (AKI) and the kernel of its mission statement. The New Mexico-based nonprofit was founded in 2007 to support partner…
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by Jennifer Calkins
When I first started working on an article for World Pangolin Day (which takes place every third Saturday of February), I did not realize how few people even knew pangolins existed. As an evolutionary…
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by Georgia Woodroffe
Johnny Rodrigues, Chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), is a key figure in Zimbabwean wildlife conservation. Despite the heroic labels that have been ascribed to his actions, Rodrigues…
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by Lourens Durand
The strident call of the Woodland Kingfisher proclaims the arrival of spring in South Africa, and the return of the bird from its winter visit to the north. Whilst enjoying a morning walk, we noticed a…
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by Tara Waters Lumpkin
When Mindy Budgor, a prospective MBA student, decided to go to Kenya as a volunteer to build a school for the Maasai, she had no idea where this choice would ultimately lead her. As Mindy helped build…
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by Sarah Abdelrahim
“Warrior Princess: My Quest to Become the First Female Maasai Warrior” was either adored or berated, depending on the audience. Women’s magazines loved the book. Others disliked it, claiming no white woman…
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by Sarah Abdelrahim
Chief Salaton Ole Ntutu lives in Kenya, where he runs a tourist camp and cultural center. Last year, Salaton visited the United States for a month to fundraise and raise awareness about his camp. During…
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by Sarah Abdelrahim
Ecoreporter Sarah Abdelrahim interviews Dr. Laurie Marker of the nonprofit, A Future for Cheetahs, to gain insight on the global cheetah population, the key drivers in their decline, and recent successes…
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by Sarah Abdelrahim
The mountain gorilla is classified as critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. There are only two places to see the world’s remaining…
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by Patty Shenker
In Africa, an elephant is killed every 15 minutes for his/her ivory. A normal day in countries like Rwanda or Zimbabwe ends up with about 96 elephants killed, all illegally, as the international trade…
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by Alfred Mepukori
Continue on the journey through the forests of East Africa with Maasai warrior Alfred Mepukori, who tells readers about growing up Maasai, why elephants matter, and survival in the Naimina Enkiyio Forest.
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by Alfred Mepukori
The area of land popularly known as Loita lies in southern Kenya between the Ngurman-Magadi escarpment and the Maasai Mara National Game Reserve. It covers an area of 1,700 km2 within the Loita Division…
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