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Las Nutrias de Río
Las Nutrias de Río

by Teresa Dovalpage

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Lleva una Llama a Almorzar
Lleva una Llama a Almorzar

by Teresa Dovalpage

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Shooting in the Wild: An Interview with filmmaker Chris Palmer
Shooting in the Wild: An Interview with filmmaker Chris Palmer

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This book by Chris Palmer takes you behind the scenes of popular nature and wildlife films, sharing the adventures of the daring and creative people who make these films and TV shows. It also pulls back…

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Philippine Marine Life
Philippine Marine Life

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Scuba diver Brian Kramer photographed some of the vast marine life in the 7,107 islands of the Philippines. The islands of the Philippines lie within the coral triangle, an area that encompasses more than…

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Encore Career
Encore Career

by Amy Carfagno

Jack Burtt left his accounting career in 2004 to begin an encore career as an independent traveler and volunteer researcher for the environmental organization Earthwatch. Through his research work with…

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