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Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

As part of an ongoing project, Erika Zambello is visiting all National Estuarine Research Reserves in the continental United States. Established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),…

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Changing Fishing Practices in Mauritius: A Success Story
Changing Fishing Practices in Mauritius: A Success Story

by Vanina Harel

Small island developing states around the world are the first to suffer the consequences of climate change, rapid population growth and unsustainable economic pressures. These problems can negatively affect…

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Florida's Manatee - No Longer an Endangered Species
Florida's Manatee - No Longer an Endangered Species

by Maddie Southard

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) just reclassified one of Florida’s most iconic endangered wildlife species to “threatened” status. This controversial decision was made despite the fact that…

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Connecting with Biodiversity Using Macro Photography
Connecting with Biodiversity Using Macro Photography

by Matthew Cicanese

In a  2013 article published by American Entomologist, a trio of authors contemplated the importance of macro photography in documenting biodiversity. In their abstract, they summarize: "Digital macrophotography…

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Too Rare to Wear: Stopping Illegal Trade of Hawksbill Turtle Products
Too Rare to Wear: Stopping Illegal Trade of Hawksbill Turtle Products

by Georgia Woodroffe

The Too Rare to Wear campaign brings tourist and conservation groups together to end the trade of illegal tortoiseshell products. Also called turtleshell, this material comes from hawksbill sea turtles,…

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The CITES Meeting: A Closer Look
The CITES Meeting: A Closer Look

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My amazing trip all began when the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) announced a global search for 34 international conservationists aged 18 to 25 to attend the first-ever Youth Forum for People…

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A Conservation Success Story: Reserva Monte Mojino
A Conservation Success Story: Reserva Monte Mojino

by Erika Zambello, Jennifer Calkins

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Biodiversity on Organic Farms in Telangana, India
Biodiversity on Organic Farms in Telangana, India

by Andrew Flachs

Most commercial agriculture around the world comes in the form of monocultures, where whole fields are devoted to a single plant. Monocultures are stark landscapes, built around the logic of factories…

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Anthro versus Ecocentric Conservation Perspectives: An Academic Comparison
Anthro versus Ecocentric Conservation Perspectives: An Academic Comparison

by Helen Kopnina

Conservation is most often discussed from two main ethical standpoints: the preservation of natural resources for human use (an anthropocentric position that supports biodiversity protection for the well-being…

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Letter from the President
Letter from the President

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

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The Last Unicorn: William deBuy's Search for the Elusive Saola
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by Zoe Krasney, Casey Johnson

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Bird Conservation in Colombia’s Andean Forests
Bird Conservation in Colombia’s Andean Forests

by Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela

I wake up at 4:30 a.m. in my tent and go out to admire the dark, cloud-covered forest. I meet with my team of locals to warm up and discuss our plan of action. Over a nice cup of Colombian coffee, we sit…

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