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Beach Mornings
Beach Mornings

by Michael Washburn

Here on my sliver of Covid-cleared beach, among the tracks of crabs and the prints of plovers and scattered scraps of human carelessness, a larger story of wonder and waste is opening. It’s one we live…

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- Jul 31, 2020
Hurricane Impact on Wildlife
Hurricane Impact on Wildlife

by Erika Zambello

In the United States, the news is currently dominated by storm stories, from Hurricane Harvey’s assault on Texas and Louisiana, to the incoming Hurricane Irma heading toward island nations, Puerto Rico,…

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- Sep 06, 2017
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

As part of an ongoing project, Erika Zambello is visiting all National Estuarine Research Reserves in the continental United States. Established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),…

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- Apr 25, 2017
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

I disembarked at Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (mercifully abbreviated to GTM NERR) with a group of practitioners, researchers and ecologists from around the world. The group…

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- Mar 23, 2017
Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve
Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

Apalachicola Bay has long been famous around the world for its thousands of acres of oyster beds. In fact, in the past, 90 percent of Eastern oysters served in Florida were from Apalachicola.

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- Feb 15, 2017
Exploring Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Exploring Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve

by Erika Zambello

Wells Reserve on the coast of Southern Maine was designated in 1984 and encompasses 1,600 acres. The reserve staff facilities sit within beautifully restored farm buildings.

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- Dec 12, 2016
Can You Find Green Salamanders? A Community Searches in the Appalachians
Can You Find Green Salamanders? A Community Searches in the Appalachians

by Wally Smith

This is the case with the green salamander, one of the most unique amphibians in the salamander-rich Appalachian Mountains. The only truly green-colored salamander in eastern North America, the green salamander…

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- Sep 12, 2016
Snowy Plovers and Citizen Science along the Florida Panhandle
Snowy Plovers and Citizen Science along the Florida Panhandle

by Erika Zambello

For those who bird on the Emerald Coast, Snowy Plovers are a relatively common sight on Okaloosa Island – once you walk away from the more crowded beach access points. Less than seven inches long and lighter…

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- Jul 08, 2016
Bird Conservation in Colombia’s Andean Forests
Bird Conservation in Colombia’s Andean Forests

by Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela

I wake up at 4:30 a.m. in my tent and go out to admire the dark, cloud-covered forest. I meet with my team of locals to warm up and discuss our plan of action. Over a nice cup of Colombian coffee, we sit…

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- May 08, 2016
It's Not Easy Being Clean
It's Not Easy Being Clean

by Terence Hyland

Renewable energy provides an abundance of benefits: few carbon dioxide emissions, improved air quality, and the economic promise of new jobs. But even the most well-intentioned technologies can have unintended…

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- Mar 22, 2015
From Bali: Nusa Penida
From Bali: Nusa Penida

by Altaire Cambata

There exists a solemn rite that every Balinese Hindu is expected to complete at least once during this lifetime. They must make a special pilgrimage to “Nusa Penida”, the black magic island, to visit a…

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- Oct 17, 2012
Canada’s Vanishing Sage Grouse
Canada’s Vanishing Sage Grouse

by Merri Collins

A dramatic decrease in Canada’s sage grouse population reported this spring has led many to believe this prairie bird, listed as endangered in Canada since 1998, is facing extinction.

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- Jun 28, 2012