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Brilliant Baboons Screened at Taos Shortz Film Festival
Brilliant Baboons Screened at Taos Shortz Film Festival

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

For the second year in a row, Izilwane—Voices for Biodiversity had one of its films accepted by the Taos Shortz Film Festival, a growing film festival that focuses specifically on films shorter than 28…

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- Apr 22, 2013
The Four Furies of the Southwest
The Four Furies of the Southwest

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

President of Voices for Biodiversity, Dr. Tara Lumpkin, sits down with author William de Buys to talk about the four greatest threats to the fragile Southwestern ecosystems. How are the recent fires in…

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- Sep 03, 2012
Bird Calls
Bird Calls

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

Bird song, I discovered, is different in southern Africa from anywhere else that I’ve traveled in the world -- louder, more melodic; an orchestra rather than a few musicians chirping. The meadow lark,…

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The Human Animal and Biodiversity
The Human Animal and Biodiversity

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

Tara Lumpkin explores how we can protect biodiversity by becoming aware of our "humanness" -- both good and bad -- and thus change our relationship to the environment and other species.

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- Feb 01, 2011
Student of the Horse
Student of the Horse

by Susan Ramsey

"I'm not a horse whisperer. I am a student of the horse. Our body language becomes the curious discourse of give and take, of pressure and release, direct and indirect -- a dance if you will," explained.…

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- Sep 23, 2010
Philippine Marine Life
Philippine Marine Life

by Amy Carfagno

Scuba diver Brian Kramer photographed some of the vast marine life in the 7,107 islands of the Philippines. The islands of the Philippines lie within the coral triangle, an area that encompasses more than…

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