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JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA—The world is saying goodbye this month to one of the most fascinating conservationists of this generation. Elephant Whisperer – so-called because of his ability to understand…

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Just Another Species
Just Another Species

by Narisa Bhanji

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Saving Big Cats: an interview with Dr. Laurie Marker
Saving Big Cats: an interview with Dr. Laurie Marker

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Dr. Laurie Marker is the co-founder and executive director of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, which helps protect these charismatic big cats worldwide. She helped develop international captive breeding…

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Two journalists grab cameras and head to the wilds of Thailand’s mangrove forests in search of an endangered cat with a special affinity for water.

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Children and Conservation: An art gallery from nature
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A Conservation Conversation with Dr. Stuart Pimm
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Connecting Habitats: Thinking like a Roaming Species
Connecting Habitats: Thinking like a Roaming Species

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Inspiring Young People to Care about the Environment
Inspiring Young People to Care about the Environment

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Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice
Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice

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Elephant Sanctuary
Elephant Sanctuary

by John Michaloski

CHITWAN, NEPAL For three months, John Michaloski bathed, fed, and tended to elephants in Chitwan, Nepal, where he developed a relationship with an elephant named Sundar Kali. Here, John reflects on his…

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