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Bio, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity - 01-April-2018

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- Apr 01, 2018
Too Rare to Wear: Stopping Illegal Trade of Hawksbill Turtle Products
Too Rare to Wear: Stopping Illegal Trade of Hawksbill Turtle Products

by Georgia Woodroffe

The Too Rare to Wear campaign brings tourist and conservation groups together to end the trade of illegal tortoiseshell products. Also called turtleshell, this material comes from hawksbill sea turtles,…

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Preservation of Wild Places May Help Protect Human Health
Preservation of Wild Places May Help Protect Human Health

by Kathryn Dixon

In eco-immunology, a young new field of scientific research, the main goal of researchers is to understand how the spread of disease in wildlife is exacerbated by human and environmental elements (like…

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