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The Human Animal and Biodiversity

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

Tara Lumpkin explores how we can protect biodiversity by becoming aware of our "humanness" -- both good and bad -- and thus change our relationship to the environment and other species.

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- Feb 01, 2011
For the Birds
For the Birds

by Kathryn Pardo

When asked about what inspires his art, photographer Geraint Smith smiles and pauses thoughtfully. “I like to be in the present with my photography,” he says, shading his eyes from the New Mexico sun.…

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- Feb 01, 2011
The Galapagos
The Galapagos

by Kathryn Pardo

Lying six hundred miles off of the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands dot the Pacific Ocean with more than one hundred islands that are home to more than nine thousand species, many of which occur…

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Encore Career
Encore Career

by Amy Carfagno

Jack Burtt left his accounting career in 2004 to begin an encore career as an independent traveler and volunteer researcher for the environmental organization Earthwatch. Through his research work with…

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