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An Interview with Wendee Nicole, Founder & Director of the Redemption Song Foundation
An Interview with Wendee Nicole, Founder & Director of the Redemption Song Foundation

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The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda is one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. It is home to half the world’s population of endangered mountain gorillas, several other primates, 400 species…

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Animal Kindness Beyond Borders
Animal Kindness Beyond Borders

by Debra Denker

“Kindness to animals has no boundaries” is both the tagline of Animal-Kind International (AKI) and the kernel of its mission statement. The New Mexico-based nonprofit was founded in 2007 to support partner…

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The Zimbabwean Hero
The Zimbabwean Hero

by Georgia Woodroffe

Johnny Rodrigues, Chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), is a key figure in Zimbabwean wildlife conservation. Despite the heroic labels that have been ascribed to his actions, Rodrigues…

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Clean Stoves and Healthy Forests
Clean Stoves and Healthy Forests

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Household Air Pollution (HAP) affects more than three billion people — almost half of the world’s population. The U.S.-based non-profit The Himalayan Stove Project, founded by George Basch, provides free,…

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The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
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Coyote Killing Contests: The Truth
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The Bison of Yellowstone National Park
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Marching to Save the Elephant on October 4

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How Craft Beer Can Save the World
How Craft Beer Can Save the World

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Beer is an ancient beverage with roots growing as far back as the fifth millennia BC. Since malts and hops and barley were first brewed together, the recipe for this popular beverage has endured some drastic…

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Brilliant Baboons Screened at Taos Shortz Film Festival
Brilliant Baboons Screened at Taos Shortz Film Festival

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For the second year in a row, Izilwane—Voices for Biodiversity had one of its films accepted by the Taos Shortz Film Festival, a growing film festival that focuses specifically on films shorter than 28…

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Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth
Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth

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Food Security and Sustainable Action
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