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In the Wake of Dolphins
In the Wake of Dolphins

by Debra Denker

The pod of five dolphins gracefully, effortlessly, swims past me, perhaps a dolphin-length away. Entranced, I simply follow. Dolphins swim with powerful vertical thrusts of their tails, and for a few moments…

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- Mar 14, 2018
Biodiversity of the Dry Tortugas
Biodiversity of the Dry Tortugas

by BinBin Li

I visited Dry Tortugas National Park in 2013 and 2015 as part of a field class taught by Dr. Stuart Pimm at Duke University. Located 68 miles west of Key West, this 100 square mile national park is mostly…

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Conservation Under the Pandas Umbrella
Conservation Under the Pandas Umbrella

by Barbara Fraser

When it comes to wildlife protection, the most photogenic species — such as polar bears, dolphins and pandas — seem to attract the most attention and conservation dollars.

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Las Nutrias de Río
Las Nutrias de Río

by Teresa Dovalpage

La nutria de río (Lontra canadensis) es un mamífero semi acuático grande y fuerte, que pertenece a la familia Weasal. Son muy sociables, juguetonas y tienen una energía aparentemente ilimitada, así que…

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Malama `Aina: Taking Care of the Land
Malama `Aina: Taking Care of the Land

by Tannyr Carnes

The Hawaiian Islands are unique in that they are both inhabited and extremely isolated. This contributes to the complexity of their habitats and, ultimately, their vulnerability. Each island has a unique…

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Lleva una Llama a Almorzar
Lleva una Llama a Almorzar

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Take a Llama to Lunch (Lleva una Llama a Almorzar) es una de las excursiones que ofrece Wild Earth Llama Adventures, una compañía que lleva veinte años haciendo senderismo con llamas en Nuevo México. La…

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