by Joe Cutler
Crowds of people funneled past me as I unloaded my sampling equipment from the back of a taxi in Cameroon’s Kumba Market. The driver helped me pull my gear from the trunk: a huge backpack, a sack of gillnets,…
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by Erika Zambello
I disembarked at Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (mercifully abbreviated to GTM NERR) with a group of practitioners, researchers and ecologists from around the world. The group…
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by Erika Zambello
The sun shone down on me as I set up my booth at the Lionfish Removal and Awareness Day in Pensacola, Florida. Though I was there to talk about the Emerald Coast’s artificial reef and Gulf to Table program,…
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by Merri Collins
A small green beetle could be responsible for the destruction of all 7.5 billion ash trees throughout Canada and the U.S. It has already ravaged 100 million ash trees across 14 states and parts of Canada,…
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