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Fieldwork in Namibia
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A World Without Elephants
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As I write this, I just learned about the horror of 87 elephants slaughtered for their ivory in Botswana in early September.

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The Mighty Giraffe
The Mighty Giraffe

by Lysander Christo

Silent steps of evolution, highest height of all the world. Of all the world a graceful trot, so fast, yet so slow through the savannah, where the elephants trumpet and blow.

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Meeting with an Elephant
Meeting with an Elephant

by Lysander Christo

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Studying the Indirect Effects of Wildlife Loss at the Mpala Research Centre in Kenya
Studying the Indirect Effects of Wildlife Loss at the Mpala Research Centre in Kenya

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Warrior Princess, A Warning
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Review of Warrior Princess
Review of Warrior Princess

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A Maasai Perspective: Salaton Ole Ntutu
A Maasai Perspective: Salaton Ole Ntutu

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In Predatory Light
In Predatory Light

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My life in the Naimina Enkiyio Forest, Part 2
My life in the Naimina Enkiyio Forest, Part 2

by Alfred Mepukori

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