by Zoe Krasney
For hundreds of years, the Navajo and Hopi thrived in the high, arid deserts of Arizona. Throughout recent history, these people have faced numerous assaults on their ways of life: war, forced relocation,…
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by Zoe Krasney
For decades, the struggle over traditional lands on the Navajo and Hopi reservations has unfolded, steeped in history, myth, prophecy and the inevitability of greed – indigenous peoples set against each…
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by Matt Kasik
The intense poverty and complicated social issues facing the Lakota people are ominous reminders of their historical hardships. In spite of such difficulties, hope for prosperity endures. The Lakota tribe’s…
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by G.R. Stahl
In her touching memoir, Broken: A Love Story, Lisa Jones explores not only the dichotomies of life – of suffering and redemption, death and life, development and poverty – but also, and perhaps more stirringly,…
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