by Barri W. Sanders
As of July 2020, eight out of ten COVID-19 deaths in the US were people 65 or older. I’m 81 years old.
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by Reza Visual Academy
En 2012, le photojournaliste Reza Deghati a collaboré avec IDEA (International Dialogue for Environnemental Action) pour lancer le concours international de photographie, festival et exposition «Children's…
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by Reza Visual Academy
In 2012, photojournalist Reza Deghati joined forces with IDEA (International Dialogue for Environmental Action) to launch the “Children’s Eyes on Earth” International Youth Photography Contest, Festival…
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by Reza Visual Academy
Fuyant la guerre dans leur pays d'origine, de nombreux réfugiés syriens vivent désormais dans le camp de Kawergosk près de la ville d'Erbil, dans le Kurdistan Irakien.
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by Reza Visual Academy
Many Syrian refugees, fleeing the war in their home country, are living in Kawergosk Camp near the city of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan.
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by Ron Dans
I began my photographic journey around the age of 14, when my parents gave me a 120 Yashika camera. I was fascinated to see the upside-down image on the ground glass, and even more astounded when the prints…
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by Erika Reiter
There is a small town in northern Iceland that describes itself as Europe’s best whale-watching destination. I traveled there in August 2016 to conduct research for my master’s thesis — I wanted to interview…
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by Gemina Garland-Lewis
I’m standing in the Hoh rainforest in Olympic National Park, a light drizzle starting to come down on this late day in May. I’m surrounded by people who are absolutely enthralled by the various mosses,…
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by Debra Denker
As I open my garden gate on an uncharacteristically sultry Southwest summer afternoon, I hear a growl, a thump and then scrabbling in the Russian olive tree above me. I round the corner and come face to…
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by John Richardson
Many readers of Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? written by renowned Dutch primatologist and ethologist Franz de Waal would be intrigued but perhaps not surprised to learn that chimpanzees…
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by Erika Zambello
Established in 1999, the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GB NERR) now stretches across 18,000 acres. In addition to the estuary’s salt marshes, the reserve also covers rare pine savannas,…
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