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Coyote Killing Contests: The Truth

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Since Europeans first set foot on the American continent, war has been waged against predators, with bounties and other lethal programs put on their heads. But, when a predator is no longer a threat, when…

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The Bison of Yellowstone National Park
The Bison of Yellowstone National Park

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Yellowstone National Park is America’s oldest national park. It is also home to many large mammals, including elk, wolves, moose, bears and bison, the charismatic megafauna of the American West. But the…

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Those Dammed Salmon
Those Dammed Salmon

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For thousands of years, salmon have been the beating heart of Idaho. They have fed families, boosted the economy, challenged determined anglers, nourished the bodies and spirits of Native Americans, and…

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Lessons From Wolves
Lessons From Wolves

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Anthropologist Jami Wright studied wolf reintroduction in Idaho by studying Idahoans. She found that many wolf complaints had more to do with people than the predator.

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