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Red Wolves: Hanging in the Balance

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Gravel crackles under my tires and horseflies ping off the windows as I slow to a stop beside a mound of black bear scat, near the northeastern edge of North Carolina’s 152,000-acre Alligator River National…

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La Cocina de Bosnia: cultivo y crecimiento
La Cocina de Bosnia: cultivo y crecimiento

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El amanecer en la Bosnia rural comienza lentamente mientras la luz del sol se asoma a través de las colinas y retazos de nubes se posan sobre los valles. Estamos tomando café en una aldea que queda dos…

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Environmental Justice and Hog Farming in North Carolina
Environmental Justice and Hog Farming in North Carolina

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Duke Law professor Michelle Nowlin is making waves in North Carolina’s hog industry. Now a Supervising Attorney at Duke’s Environmental Law and Policy Clinic, Nowlin started her work in the mid 90s at…

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Venus Flytrap Poachers Arrested in North Carolina
Venus Flytrap Poachers Arrested in North Carolina

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RALEIGH, NC—Venus flytrap poaching may not seem like the most lucrative crime for those looking for an easy buck, but the uprooting of these plants to sell in roadside stands and markets is threatening…

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