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2017 International Coastal Cleanup
2017 International Coastal Cleanup

by Erika Zambello

On Saturday, September 16, hundreds of thousands of volunteers from across the world headed to their coastal beaches and marshes to remove trash and marine debris as part of the 2017 International Coastal…

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- Sep 28, 2017
Rescuing a Whale Shark in Koh Tao, Thailand
Rescuing a Whale Shark in Koh Tao, Thailand

by Alyssa Vinluan

After a 5:30 a.m. wake-up call and a two-hour boat ride with Roctopus Dive, I could finally see the pinnacle of Sail Rock, considered by many as the best dive site in the Gulf of Thailand. The water looked…

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New Fishing Line Recyclers Along the Emerald Coast
New Fishing Line Recyclers Along the Emerald Coast

by Erika Zambello

For a few months this winter, my office in Okaloosa County became storage space for ten monofilament recyclers. Wide PVC pipes had been painted with beautiful marine designs — from herons to crabs to mermaids…

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Changing Fishing Practices in Mauritius: A Success Story
Changing Fishing Practices in Mauritius: A Success Story

by Vanina Harel

Small island developing states around the world are the first to suffer the consequences of climate change, rapid population growth and unsustainable economic pressures. These problems can negatively affect…

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Saving Selfless Shellfish from Sunscreen
Saving Selfless Shellfish from Sunscreen

by Madison Toonder

Oysters are bivalve mollusks that provide shelter and food for a variety of organisms, all while improving water clarity and quality through filtration. Oyster reefs formed by aggregations of shells are…

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