by Emily Baumbach
The Malay word orangutan translates as “person of the forest,” and the orangutans that once thrived in the wooded areas of the rainforest in Sumatra and Borneo have reached record low population levels.…
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by Kathryn Pardo
There are already 8 million acres of land cleared for palm oil plantations in Indonesia and 9 million in Malaysia, and, according to Rainforest Action Network, the Indonesian government is already planning…
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by Robert Hii
You know the old question: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise? I’m not quite sure why that question came to mind when news came out of the extinction of Dipterocarpus…
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by Caroline Braker
Over the last several decades, human activity, including the development of palm oil plantations, has caused massive deforestation in the Borneo rainforest. More recently, the Malaysian government has…
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