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Restoring Habitat in Indonesian Borneo
Restoring Habitat in Indonesian Borneo

by Farquhar Stirling

Farquhar Stirling is a retired corporate executive who lives in Indonesia. He is also a volunteer with the Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF), an NGO working in habitat restoration in Kalimantan…

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La Cocina de Bosnia: cultivo y crecimiento
La Cocina de Bosnia: cultivo y crecimiento

by Andrew Flachs, Ashley Glenn

El amanecer en la Bosnia rural comienza lentamente mientras la luz del sol se asoma a través de las colinas y retazos de nubes se posan sobre los valles. Estamos tomando café en una aldea que queda dos…

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Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil
Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil

by Kathryn Pardo

Recently, thanks in part to the work of Voices for Biodiversity, monstrous, forest-chomping companies like Asia Pulp and Paper and their relatives in the palm oil industry, Golden Agri Resources, both…

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In Palm Oil’s Wake: an interview with Robert Hii
In Palm Oil’s Wake: an interview with Robert Hii

by Kathryn Pardo

There are already 8 million acres of land cleared for palm oil plantations in Indonesia and 9 million in Malaysia, and, according to Rainforest Action Network, the Indonesian government is already planning…

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Of Palm Oil and Extinction
Of Palm Oil and Extinction

by Robert Hii

You know the old question: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise? I’m not quite sure why that question came to mind when news came out of the extinction of Dipterocarpus…

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Old Man of the Forest
Old Man of the Forest

by Caroline Braker

Over the last several decades, human activity, including the development of palm oil plantations, has caused massive deforestation in the Borneo rainforest. More recently, the Malaysian government has…

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