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Touched by an Elephant, Part 3
Touched by an Elephant, Part 3

by Jonathan Whittle-Utter

Returning to the question at hand—why a massage therapist would be interested in researching human-elephant communication? The answer relates to the primacy of touch. Touch is the primal arena of connection…

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- Sep 21, 2015
Touched by an Elephant, Part 2
Touched by an Elephant, Part 2

by Jonathan Whittle-Utter

The sanctuary rests in an open jungle valley in the remote Mondulkiri province of Northeast Cambodia. Like the rest of the country, Mondulkiri is undergoing rampant deforestation, a tremendous threat to…

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- Sep 12, 2015
Touched by an Elephant, Part 1
Touched by an Elephant, Part 1

by Jonathan Whittle-Utter

About three years ago I decided pursue a PhD in somatic psychology. I'd spent the last few years establishing a healthy massage therapy practice in Los Angeles, and although the bodywork was rewarding…

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