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Santa Fe Critter Cam Gallery
Santa Fe Critter Cam Gallery

by Debra Denker

Great critter cam photos are a matter of luck rather than photographic skill — although a little bit of editing magic can turn a mediocre photo into a great one.

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- Dec 13, 2022
Critter Cam in the High Chaparral
Critter Cam in the High Chaparral

by Debra Denker

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- Nov 28, 2022
An excerpt from the cli-fi novel Weather Menders
An excerpt from the cli-fi novel Weather Menders

by Debra Denker

I conceived Weather Menders during a very hot summer visit to the UK in 2013. I had been looking forward to escaping the heat that in recent years has become characteristic of Santa Fe summers by going…

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- Jun 20, 2021
Seeking Solace on Horseback: Riding Keeps Me Sane During Pandemic
Seeking Solace on Horseback: Riding Keeps Me Sane During Pandemic

by Debra Denker

On the first day of autumn, I’m riding through a changing forest — tall, deep green ponderosas interspersed with the butter-gold of aspens, and shrubs ranging from pale crimson to deep russet to coral…

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Protecting the Arctic Refuge: Gwich’in People Defend the Sacred
Protecting the Arctic Refuge: Gwich’in People Defend the Sacred

by Debra Denker

It’s obvious that something is very wrong with the land before our plane even lands in Fort Yukon, Alaska, known to its indigenous Gwich’in inhabitants as Gwich’in Zhee.

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- Aug 07, 2019
In the Wake of Dolphins
In the Wake of Dolphins

by Debra Denker

The pod of five dolphins gracefully, effortlessly, swims past me, perhaps a dolphin-length away. Entranced, I simply follow. Dolphins swim with powerful vertical thrusts of their tails, and for a few moments…

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Bobcats in the Hood
Bobcats in the Hood

by Debra Denker

As I open my garden gate on an uncharacteristically sultry Southwest summer afternoon, I hear a growl, a thump and then scrabbling in the Russian olive tree above me. I round the corner and come face to…

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- Sep 23, 2017
Studying Sea Otters at Elkhorn Slough
Studying Sea Otters at Elkhorn Slough

by Erika Zambello

I stood atop Yampah Hill with Kerstin Wasson, Research Coordinator for the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (ESNERR). A large tidal creek wove through the marsh grass, its arms snaking…

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- Aug 06, 2017
Searching for Fish in Cameroon
Searching for Fish in Cameroon

by Joe Cutler

Crowds of people funneled past me as I unloaded my sampling equipment from the back of a taxi in Cameroon’s Kumba Market. The driver helped me pull my gear from the trunk: a huge backpack, a sack of gillnets,…

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- Jul 02, 2017
Global Big Day 2017: Counting the World’s Birds
Global Big Day 2017: Counting the World’s Birds

by Erika Zambello

Birders had their binoculars and checklists ready on May 13 for the annual Global Big Day, and I was one of them. Armed with my eBird phone app, which allows me to record when and where I see specific…

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- May 21, 2017
Life as a Scientific Illustrator
Life as a Scientific Illustrator

by Laurel Mundy

I grew up drawing animals. Birds, bugs, whales, my cat, anything you can think of, including animals that didn’t exist. My best friend and I would sit for hours doing nothing else.

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- May 18, 2017
The Science of Sooty Tern Migrations
The Science of Sooty Tern Migrations

by Ryan Huang

Life as a bird is hard. Life as a seabird can be really hard. Seabirds spend the vast majority of their time in a habitat that provides no drinkable water or shelter, a place that can be as vast and empty…

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- May 10, 2017