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Coyote Killing Contests: The Truth
Coyote Killing Contests: The Truth

by Georgia Woodroffe

Since Europeans first set foot on the American continent, war has been waged against predators, with bounties and other lethal programs put on their heads. But, when a predator is no longer a threat, when…

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- May 22, 2014
The Bison of Yellowstone National Park
The Bison of Yellowstone National Park

by Georgia Woodroffe

Yellowstone National Park is America’s oldest national park. It is also home to many large mammals, including elk, wolves, moose, bears and bison, the charismatic megafauna of the American West. But the…

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Lessons in Sustainable Design
Lessons in Sustainable Design

by George Stevens

The lunar landscape of Cappadocia, a historical region in central Turkey, is truly otherworldly. It makes you stop and think, “Where the heck am I?” It is a place where humans and natural beauty have coexisted…

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Food Security and Sustainable Action
Food Security and Sustainable Action

by Jessica Schmonsky

Climate change affects agriculture and food production both directly through changing environmental conditions and indirectly by affecting growth and the distribution of incomes. Current studies suggest…

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Preservation of Wild Places May Help Protect Human Health
Preservation of Wild Places May Help Protect Human Health

by Kathryn Dixon

In eco-immunology, a young new field of scientific research, the main goal of researchers is to understand how the spread of disease in wildlife is exacerbated by human and environmental elements (like…

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Ethnobotany and Ethnocide: an interview with Wade Davis
Ethnobotany and Ethnocide: an interview with Wade Davis

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Loss of biodiversity and cultural diversity are inextricably linked in a developing world. While genocide is widely condemned, ethnocide – the complete destruction of entire cultures – is tacitly accepted…

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The Wayfinders
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by Julia Osterman

Inside all technology-addicted Westerners is the capability to adapt to some of the world’s most desolate landscapes and to transcend their own worldviews to open their minds. Join author Wade Davis as…

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