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Brilliant Baboons Screened at Taos Shortz Film Festival
Brilliant Baboons Screened at Taos Shortz Film Festival

by Tara Waters Lumpkin

For the second year in a row, Izilwane—Voices for Biodiversity had one of its films accepted by the Taos Shortz Film Festival, a growing film festival that focuses specifically on films shorter than 28…

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- Apr 22, 2013
Tanzania Denuded
Tanzania Denuded

by Anne Silver

Upon reaching the Malawi/Tanzanian border, my Blackberry jumped to life with a request to visit a potential site for a new Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) and to stop by to say “hi” to some current ones. My…

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- Apr 07, 2013
Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth
Standing up for the Baboons: Primatologist Paula Pebsworth

by Debra Denker

Voices for Biodiversity became aware of Pebsworth’s work when she was doing her field research in South Africa. Voices for Biodiversity’s founder, Dr. Tara Waters Lumpkin, and filmmaker…

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- Mar 11, 2013
Encore Career
Encore Career

by Amy Carfagno

Jack Burtt left his accounting career in 2004 to begin an encore career as an independent traveler and volunteer researcher for the environmental organization Earthwatch. Through his research work with…

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- Aug 28, 2010