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Waiting for Owls
Waiting for Owls

by Laurel Mundy

In the woods, the air is still and quiet. The ground is warm from the sunshine that beats down on the hillside all day, but mostly, it’s dark. The lightest breeze brings the smell of ponderosa bark and…

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The Animals’ Agenda: An Important Look at Human Relationships with Other Animals
The Animals’ Agenda: An Important Look at Human Relationships with Other Animals

by Sarah Abdelrahim

Humans interact with other animals in a number of ways. When we think about other animals, we might think about our pet dogs, the squirrels we see in our backyards or the giraffes we visit at the zoo.…

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Allison Argo: filmmaker, conservationist
Allison Argo: filmmaker, conservationist

by Mary Bates

Raised in a theatrical family, filmmaker Allison Argo learned early on the art of storytelling. And when she met Ivan, a 27-year-old gorilla held in a 14-by-14 foot concrete cell in a mall in Tacoma, Washington,…

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Studying Visitors at the Gorilla Exhibit
Studying Visitors at the Gorilla Exhibit

by Beth Kelley

At Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, researcher Beth Kelley studies humans interacting with gorillas. Her studies tell us much about ourselves as primates, as well as illustrating what interests us about other…

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