by Debra Denker
Confession: I am a lifelong lover of snow leopards. So, a couple of months ago, when I was sick of politics, I was happy to follow a Facebook-suggested link to Snow Leopard Trust. I eagerly read their…
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by Jaime Gordon
In 1975, Hitchcock was one of several graduate students who traveled to the Kalahari Desert region of Botswana to undertake interdisciplinary anthropological research. When the group arrived in the northeastern…
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by Elizabeth Forbes
First thing on Monday morning, I get into the driver’s side of the Land Cruiser, grasping the “holy sh*t” handle to hoist myself up into the seat. My field team clambers into the back; the other front…
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by Lourens Durand
The strident call of the Woodland Kingfisher proclaims the arrival of spring in South Africa, and the return of the bird from its winter visit to the north. Whilst enjoying a morning walk, we noticed a…
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by Sarah Abdelrahim
Ecoreporter Sarah Abdelrahim interviews Dr. Laurie Marker of the nonprofit, A Future for Cheetahs, to gain insight on the global cheetah population, the key drivers in their decline, and recent successes…
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by Clare Helen Galloway
Geologist and journalist Clare Galloway, whose artwork illustrates the stark beauty of life in southern Africa, lives on a game farm outside Okahanja, Namibia. Join her as she takes the reader on a journey…
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by Keiran Snow Dawson
Join American University student Keiran Snow-Dawson as he goes in search of the wildlife that lives in his own backyard. In this photo essay, he illustrates that even in urban areas, wildlife can be abundant.…
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by Lauren Neville
Author Naomi Rose talks with Izilwane about her new children’s book, Where Snow Leopard Prowls, Tibet’s rare wildlife, and the importance of protecting Tibet’s fragile ecosystems.
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by Merri Collins
Pudú are the world’s smallest deer species, found in the temperate forests of South America. Like other deer, pudú eat foliage, shoots, twigs, bark, buds, fruit and seeds.
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by Sophy Burnham
Thank you for joining us in reading these Field Notes from writer Sophy Burnham, an award-winning playwright, novelist, and nonfiction writer whose books have appeared on the New York Times bestseller…
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