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Food As Medicine - 17-January-2020

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Wildlife of Akagera
Wildlife of Akagera

by Jean Marie Twambaze

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Bio, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity - 01-April-2018
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Giraffes Await the World's Protection
Giraffes Await the World's Protection

by Rina Herzl

Picture an animal enrobed in a fiery, jigsaw-patterned coat, a creature of such majestic height that it towers amongst the trees. As your eyes make their way up its long neck that appears to defy gravity,…

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Things We Don’t See in the Woods
Things We Don’t See in the Woods

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I began my photographic journey around the age of 14, when my parents gave me a 120 Yashika camera. I was fascinated to see the upside-down image on the ground glass, and even more astounded when the prints…

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The Whales of Husavik, Iceland
The Whales of Husavik, Iceland

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Waking up to Vancouver Island's Diversity
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Time to BioBlitz
Time to BioBlitz

by Gemina Garland-Lewis

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Wildfires and Wild Lives
Wildfires and Wild Lives

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On October 12, the human death toll in California’s deadliest wildfire in 80 years rose to thirty-one, with many more still reported missing. The tragedy is overwhelming. Viewing images of my home state…

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Bobcats in the Hood
Bobcats in the Hood

by Debra Denker

As I open my garden gate on an uncharacteristically sultry Southwest summer afternoon, I hear a growl, a thump and then scrabbling in the Russian olive tree above me. I round the corner and come face to…

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Book Review: Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?
Book Review: Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?

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Many readers of Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? written by renowned Dutch primatologist and ethologist Franz de Waal would be intrigued but perhaps not surprised to learn that chimpanzees…

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